This morning I was up and out of the house nice and early 06:45 to be exact.  I had been increasing the milage slowly this week and mixing hills in to push my limits a little further.  I knew my ability was better than it was about a month ago and felt a longer ride was in order.
This time last month I had set a challenge to ride the coast to coast in 1 day.  This I did and it can be read about in my blog dated 18/03/2011.  But this challenge was a test of endurance on a different scale.  The coast to coast trip was set at a relaxed pace mostly and regular stops were taken but today the plan was to ride 60+ miles with no stopping at a good pace so I could feel the burn with minimal fluids.  Why?  I needed to know how my body would react when put under this type of pressure.  Thats why!
So I headed off towards Conset, which is a hilly area infamous for its steel work industry several years back.  I took the river route from Hebburn all the way through to the Derwent Walk.  This was the start of the long climb all the way through to Conset a scenic part of the North East and I had the previlage to see 3 deer on my ride through .  I was averaging 16.8mph at this point and kept the the pressure constant trying to keep the pace high.  After 12.5 miles took a little water on board and pushed again to the end of the Walk where I entered Conset at the Blackhill area.  This was a tough climb to the top and by then I was averaging 14.2mph.
On I went past the Pontop Pike Transmitter and through Anfield Plain and Stanley past Beamish on the long decent all the way down to Washington.  This brought the average up a bit until I hit the hills at Penshaw.  Then on to the coast at Sunderland.
The wind now was coming across me from the west and riding got tougher.  I keptn the pressure up and climbed the steep hill to Marsden at Lizard Lane just to see how I would feel at this point.  A few aches and pains were present but nothing I hadn't felt before.  Then back onto the sea front and following this to the river route home.
Tired and thirsty I had managed what I had set my self. now to see how my body would react afterwards.  Fisrtly I was ok then I felt my temperature drop and my hands and feet lost some colour and turnd really cold.  I had some fluids and some food before heading off to the sauna.
63.25 miles 4hrs 10 minutes Average speed 15.1mph
Later a spell in the gym for about 50 minutes Total training time 5 hours.

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