Today was a pretty important day for me.  Nothing to do with the riding but as far as a job opportunity.  I had an interview at 10:30, which I had prepared for the previous day.
I was up and about early and headed out at about 07:20am and kept the ride to a short fast route so I knew I had plenty of time to get ready and wasn't rushing around.
I left the house and headed to Jarrow and through the pedestrian tunnel and all the way up the river route to Blaydon Bridge.  Then back down the south of the river past the metro center through the Quayside at Gateshead and home.
23.75 miles  1hour 28 minutes average speed 16.2mph.
The interview went well as I wasn't hurrying and felt comfortable.
Later a 30 minute run and then 45 minutes at the gym.

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